If your business is like mine, your workload slows down during the last two weeks of December. So, you may have a little extra time to get your personal life back on track. Check out these five personal tasks or projects that you can complete while your business is slow —
1. Look After Medical Needs. Entrepreneurs (especially solo entrepreneurs) are guilty of putting off their doctor appointments until they feel they have the time. This is why a business’ slow period is an excellent time to schedule doctor appointments, annual screenings, and annual dentist appointments.
2. Spend More Time with Family and Friends. Take advantage of your slow time to be fully present with your loved ones. Volunteer at your child’s school; date your spouse; go out to dinner with your friends; and take a much needed vacation with your family.

3. Take a Social Media Break. Hire someone else to do your marketing during your slow period. Then, take a break from social media and television. Spend an uninterrupted low-stress day hiking or at the spa or reading a book. You will probably feel so refreshed afterwards.
4. Do a Little Spring Cleaning in Your Kitchen and Bedroom(s). Deep clean your house. Then, go through your closet(s) and set aside the clothes you no longer want. Donate them to a nearby charity or shelter. If you have more than just clothes to dispose, consider holding a yard sale.
5. Sign Up for a Class. Use your business’ slow time to take that cooking class you always wanted to take. Or, sign up for an e-course or even a spin class. (No excuses!)
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Shutterstock