Do you know which service professionals you should tip when you travel for business? Check out my list of service professionals you should tip. You will also see how much you should tip. And, when you should leave the tip.
- Drivers. When you take a taxi, it’s customary to tip the driver 15-20% of the taxi fare. If you are taking an airport shuttle to your hotel, consider tipping 15% for the ride and your luggage. If you are being picked up in a sedan or limousine, it’s customary to tip the driver 15-20% of the fare, unless the fare already includes the gratuity. You can tip any of these drivers at the end of the ride.
- Skycaps. Tip the skycap $3 to $5 per luggage piece for assistance with your bags and for curbside check-in.
- Valet Parking. The standard tip for valet parking is $2 to $5. And, you should tip the valet regardless of whether or not the service is a cost or complimentary. Tip the valet parking attendant when s/he parks your car. I realize that everyone doesn’t tip at drop off, but it may encourage better service, such as a closer parking spot or a little extra care with your car. Tip the attendant when s/he retrieves your car.
- Doorman. A “thank you” is sufficient when the doorman/doorwoman opens the door for you. But, if s/he hails a cab for you, you should tip $1 to $2.
- Luggage Delivery: When a hotel staff member, such as a bellman, brings your luggage to your room, tip him or her $1 to $2 for every bag they bring up to your room. My luggage is always heavy, so I tend to tip $5 for the delivery of my bags.
- Room Service. Typically, hotels include a service charge on the room service bill that covers the gratuity for the staff member delivering the food. If there’s no service charge, tip 15%.
- Luggage Check. If you need to check your luggage at the bell stand because you are checking out of the hotel hours before you actually depart, tip the attendant $1 to $2 for every bag that you retrieve.
- Coat Check. Tip the coat check attendant $1 to $2 for your coat and/or umbrella upon retrieval.
- Amenity Delivery. Because of my job, I sometimes receive a gift or an amenity during my hotel stay. If it is delivered while I am in my hotel room, I typically tip $2.
- Housekeeping. Leave a tip of $1 to $5 per day. Since the person cleaning room may change each day, lease the tip daily. Consider increasing your tip if you are messy and/or if you are staying in a suite.
Side Note: Some hotels have a “no tipping” policy because your daily resort fee or service charge includes gratuity. To know for sure, I recommend that you ask about it when you book your hotel room reservation.

- For the spa, check out my post on what to tip beauty professionals. You can find it on the Howerton+Wooten Events web site here.
- Tour Guide. At the end of a 2 to 3-hour tour (bus tour or walking tour), tip the tour guide 10-20% of the cost of the tour. You can give the tip to him or her when you say goodbye and thank you.
- Golf Course – Bag Assistant. When you arrive at a golf course, a bag assistant typically boy takes your clubs and sets them up in a cart for you. Prior to your departure, the bag assistant will wipe down your clubs for you. So, tip the bag assistant $1 to $2 upon arrival and $2 to $5 prior to your departure.
- Golf Course — Caddie. Prior to your departure, tip the caddie approximately 50% of the caddie fee.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania