
Category: Business Etiquette

5 Tips for Building Stronger Vendor Partner Relationships. The Enlightened Creative.

5 Tips for Building Strong Vendor Relationships

As we grow our start-up businesses, we rapidly learn that our relationships with our business partners are just as important as our relationships with our clients and customers. Your B2B relationships will typically involve more than just a business referral, so here are 5 tips for building stronger vendor partner relationships.

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Have You Been Ghosted? The Enlightened Creative.

How to Avoid Event Planning “Ghosts.”

Last year, I had a consultation with a potential client that went extremely well — We instantly connected, laughed together, and my business presentation was on point. Per our discussion, I sent this prospect a proposal, along with a gracious “thank you for the opportunity” note. The potential client followed up to thank me and share how much they enjoyed meeting me. She even referred to me as “one sharp lady!” I thought, “I nailed this!”

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7 Valuable Business Lessons I Learned from Fat Daddy. The Enlightened Creative.

7 Valuable Business Lessons I Learned from Fat Daddy

Here’s the thing with Fat Daddy, he wasn’t a teacher through advice — that wasn’t his style — I learned how to be an entrepreneur by watching Fat Daddy in action over the years. Lately, I have been thinking of those life and business lessons, and I thought I should share a few of them with you. So, here goes.

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Working at a Desk with Strength Finders and Fast Company and a Wonder Woman Comic Book. Howerton+Wooten Events. The Enlightened Creative.

8 Tips for Asking Someone to Mentor You

Are you new to the industry and interested in asking someone to mentor you? Pretty smart idea! It’s a key step to take as you build your network and grow in your career. But, asking someone to be your mentor requires a little more groundwork than you might think, so we have listed below 8 tips for asking someone to mentor.

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Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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