I release all “Money Blocks.”
- Starting today, I will not let insecurity hold me back from expecting and quoting the fee I deserve.
- Starting today, I will not let insecurity hold me back from charging clients for scope creep.
- Starting today, I will not let insecurity (or guilt) hold me back from informing friends and family that my knowledge is valuable. I’ve invested time and money to gain my expertise. Clarifying that I don’t offer a “friends and family” discount.
- Starting today, I will not let insecurity hold me back from charging a “pick your brain” fee for entrepreneurs seeking my insights. Again, my wisdom is a product of significant investment.
- Starting today, I will not let insecurity hold me back from raising my prices. There’s no rule that says I must be inexpensive because of my age, industry experience, or cultural background.
- Starting today, I will remind myself that I am worthy of wealth and success, and I am open and receptive to all forms of abundance. ♥️🦉
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Shutterstock