I celebrated a birthday last Friday and I feel like it fully cemented me as an “OG” in the wedding industry. In honor of my birthday, I thought I would share some life lessons that I swear by as a small business owner.
1. If you have to choose between a business meeting and your child’s baseball game, choose your child. Business meetings (even the really important ones) can be rescheduled, but you don’t want to miss an opportunity to support your child.
2. Don’t ever feel ashamed of having a full-time job or a part-time job (or even a very generous relative) to help you finance your business. You do whatever you need to do to protect your business. And, how you do it is no one else’s business.
3. Be vigilant about your healthcare. Schedule all of your annual health exams. Create a list of questions to ask in advance. Advocate for yourself. If you need the support, bring a loved one with you to your appointments. This is your life. Fight for it.
4. Contrary to what you may believe, you are not irreplaceable.
Follow your passion.
Do your best.
And, don’t take yourself too seriously.
Practice confident humility.
5. The pursuit of perfection will jack you up every time. Instead of striving for a flawless execution, allow yourself the freedom to be creative. Make new mistakes and learn from them.
6. Wear sunscreen. Every single day.
7. It’s never too late to start saving for your retirement. Start saving even if you can only save a little bit for now. Increase your savings when you can. Do this consistently and don’t touch it until it is time for you to retire.
8. Be vigilant about the protection of your spirit. This may include setting boundaries, rejecting negativity, and surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Tracey Autem Photography