Sometimes, I behave as if I am a part of a “Tag Team Wrestling Duo” with God.
I write down my goals. I pray. I put in the work. I pray some more. I revisit the goals. Then, I try to be still for a period, and “Let Go and Let God,” but I get impatient. I behave as if I want God to “tag me back into the ring,” so that I can make things happen myself. That’s when my goals and my plans tend to veer off course.
Next thing you know, my game plan is off and I find myself working to navigate my life and my business back on course.
So often, we set goals and expect to reach them overnight. Out of frustration, we find ourselves veering off course or simply spinning out of control. We missed the part about:
1.) writing down the goals
2.) making a plan with action items and milestones
3.) putting in the work
4.) leaving a little room in your plan for the Creator’s will; and
5.) believing in the success of your goals.
That’s where the manifestation comes into play. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Love and Soul Always, Kawania