Traveling on a long flight can leave you both exhausted and a little cranky. So, I have some great travel tips to help you proactively combat that mental and physical fatigue when you arrive at your destination —

- Check out the web site Seat Guru in Advance. If your flight is long, you want to be sure you are not sitting in a poor location. So, head to this web site to see where your seat is located on the plane, read travelers’ comments about their specific seats (which might be your seat soon), and find out the amenities, such as wi fi, power, movies, etc. And, remember to book your seat in advance! There is nothing worse than sitting in the middle seat of a very long flight — especially a redeye. <– I speak from experience on that one!
- Check out the app TimeShifter. If your long flight crosses a few time zones, you may experience some jet lag. So, check out and download the app to help you resynchronize your circadian clock with your new time zone. You actually start using the app a day or two prior to your departure, so check it out before your departure date.
- Pack your carry-on wisely. Check out my post for my recommended list of “must haves” for a long, international flight. And, if you are concerned that you might forget something, write down what you need to pack a few days in advance, then check the items off your list as you pack them in your carryon.
- Perform a Couple of Mind Tricks on Yourself. As soon as you take your seat on the plane, change the time on your watch and devices to the time zone of your destination. Try to mirror that time with your meals and naps. For example, if it is past your bedtime in location where you are headed, then put on a sleep mask and some head phones and try to take a nap. If you don’t typically eat that late, then don’t eat during that time on the plane.
- Get Up and Move. If the duration of your flight is longer than a few hours, get out of your seat every now and then and walk up and down the aisles. It’s good for your circulation and you won’t feel so stiff at the end of your journey. But, try to avoid this little exercise while the flight attendants are serving food.
- Wear Comfortable Clothing in Layers. Don’t wear anything that feels restrictive, and dress in layers so you can adjust your outfit to complement the temperature on the plane. And consider wearing slip-on shoes. They will be easier to slide on and off during your flight without disturbing your seat mates.
- Be Mindful of Your Liquid Intake. Staying hydrated while flying is important — It helps with your congestion, your skin and most of all, your jet lag. But, taking in too many liquids can cause you to visit the airplane bathroom more times than you really want. Save it for the end of the flight, so you can comfortable go to the restroom in the airport or better yet, in your hotel room.
- Relax. If you are anxious during the flight, you will arrive anxious. So, take a deep breadth, take a little melatonin to help you snooze, and try to arrive as refreshed as possible. Enjoy and travel well.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Shutterstock