
What Are Your Lessons In This Season?

For most entrepreneurs, every season is not going to be a winning season. Instead of feeling defeated or “waving the white flag,” take some time to pay attention to the lessons in this season.

Here are four (4) lessons to help you grow and strengthen your business through this season.

This Season Says, “Every Inquiry I Receive Are Couples With Teeny, Tiny Budgets”
Does it feel like your inquiries come with $20-$30K budgets, but your competition books couples with oodles of money? Just so you know, EVERYONE gets low budget inquiries every now and then. Instead of lamenting the low budget inquiries, use this time to reevaluate your messaging. Does your blog focus on ways to save money? Consider shifting the topics to ways to deliver a luxury experience. Are you working with vendors who serve the market you want to reach? It might be time to grow your network. Does your social media showcase weddings with the budget you desire? It might be time to perform an audit of the photos you share.
This Season Says, “Parenting and Entrepreneurship Place Me at a Disadvantage”
Are you at a disadvantage? Not at all. Is it hard to manage both at the same time? Yes indeed. Keep these lessons in mind this season. 1.) You are not always going to balance everything well. Show yourself some grace. 2.) Networking events and school recitals typically take place at the same time, so you will have to learn how to network differently. 3.) Be mindful of your script. Don’t apologize to your children every time you have to work or they will always view your business as a negative. And, don’t apologize to your clients if you have a family event. It’s none of their business. 4.) Let go of the guilt. It will steal your joy. Every time.
This Season Says, “My Industry Friends are Swamped. My Business is Light”
Every time you open Instagram or TikTok, you see your competition producing amazing weddings. But, that isn’t the case for you. It doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with you — It’s just not your season. Use this time to grow. Hone your skills. Build your relationships. And, get yourself ready for when YOUR busy season comes.
This Seasons Says, “I am Not As Creative as I Thought I Was”
Is this a creative block or imposter syndrome? If it is a creative block, use this season to get some rest. Most industry pros note that their creative juices are not flowing when they are exhausted. Stop paying attention to what your industry is doing. You may find that your best inspiration can come from creatives in the interior design, fashion or entertainment industry.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Shutterstock

Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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