When was the last time you had a “courageous conversation” with someone you don’t like?
I’m not talking about engaging in a big argument. I’m talking about sitting down with someone and asking the hard questions to figure out what went wrong in your relationship with them.
In this age of “ghosting,” and “canceling,” I see more and more of our colleagues “cutting ties” with others in the name of “protecting their peace.” But here is the deal — “Cutting” can sometimes be an extreme response and quite often, an unnecessary response. When you “cut strings” (such as quitting a job or ending a relationship) with a friend, colleague or client because they made you feel a certain way, you might be stunting your own growth. And, in the end, you could potentially cut off a valuable relationship or an opportunity for you and your business.
Instead, consider addressing a problem by “untying” a knot. Follow the steps I reference in my post about using “FACE” to lead a difficult conversation. You can also consider seeking the counsel of a trusted advisor. You may find that the relationship is not worth saving, but your peace will be so much more serene when you have a true understanding of someone’s behavior and why they hurt you in the process.
Love and Soul Always, Kawania