
Category: Management Operations

Books for Sale On-Line. The Enlightened Creative.

Do You Have Insurance for Your E-Commerce Shop?

If you have an on-line business, you may want to consider insurance coverage to protect your business. Why? You want some protection if a hacker infiltrates your web site and steals your proprietary information, along with your customer’s private and financial information.

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Pink Suitcase. Howerton+Wooten Events.

6 Things Entrepreneurs Should Do Before Going Out of the Office

If you are an entrepreneur and you intend to be out of the office for an extended amount of time, how are you proactively prepping your clients? Who is manning your phones and e-mail box while you are on the road? Let’s be honest — Everyone needs a break every now and then. So what are you doing to ensure your business continues to operate without you being engaged the entire time you are on the road? Here are six (6) important steps I recommend you take before pack your backs and fasten that seatbelt.

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Have You Been Ghosted? The Enlightened Creative.

How to Avoid Event Planning “Ghosts.”

Last year, I had a consultation with a potential client that went extremely well — We instantly connected, laughed together, and my business presentation was on point. Per our discussion, I sent this prospect a proposal, along with a gracious “thank you for the opportunity” note. The potential client followed up to thank me and share how much they enjoyed meeting me. She even referred to me as “one sharp lady!” I thought, “I nailed this!”

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Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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