
Remember to Seek Out Joy for Yourself

This week I’m taking a cooking class via a company called, “Tuscan Women Cook.” I saw a segment about this cooking school on the TV show, “60 Minutes,” and I immediately wanted to sign up. Every year since then, I would come up with a reason why I couldn’t go and I would put off the trip for another year. During the summer of 2019, my best girlfriends and I decided we were definitely going in June 2020. Well, we all know what happened with that.😷

I have finally arrived in Montefollonico and the emotions that overwhelmed me reminded me how important it is to seek out joy for yourself. You definitely deserve it. My Aunt Patty passed away yesterday and it immediately gave me another reminder how precious our lives truly are.

So, listen good when I say, “Take that trip.” “Eat that Dessert.” “Ask that guy out.” You were not placed on this earth to work, pay bills and die. Do something that you love. 💕And don’t give a second thought to what anyone else thinks. This about YOU and your joy. Ciao!

Love and Soul Always, Kawania

Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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