
Styling Your Home for Your “On Air” Presence

Quite often, entrepreneurs are asked to share their knowledge or expertise on live social media broadcasts, on YouTube, or on television. Most  entrepreneurs do a pretty good job — they look amazing and they know what they are talking about. But, some tend to struggle when it comes to the “on air” space they occupy for interviews. For example, the room is too dark or there’s crooked photos on the wall behind them. As a result, the viewers are paying more attention to the entrepreneur’s surroundings and less attention to what the entrepreneur has to say. Is this your experience? If so, here are four (4) steps to follow as you make your “on air” space look and feel professional. I have advised my clients to follow these steps and they have worked very well for them.

1. Start with a backdrop that showcases a little bit about you. You don’t have to show all of your personal information — just a few details that showcase your personality, your background and/or your credentials.

2. Make sure the space behind you isn’t cluttered or distracting. After you “style” the space that is going to be behind you, take a photo of it. Does the space look cluttered in the photo? Do you see anything in the photo that looks distracting? If so, remove it and take another photo. Continue this practice until you are pleased with how it looks.

Home Office Desk. Newspaper. iPad. The Enlightened Creative.

3. Create some distance between you and your background. As you determine where you are going to sit or stand for your “on air” appearance, consider standing or sitting a few feet in front of your background.

4. Make sure your face is well-lit. While you are on air, you want to ensure that viewers can see your pretty face. So, turn on your web cam and test out the lighting beforehand. Is your face is well-lit? How about your backdrop? You want to avoid shadows on your face and on the wall behind you.

Now that you have these key steps in place, check back for tips related to your “on air” presence.

Love and Soul Always, Kawania

Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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