It’s Christmas eve, and you’ve have probably heard Mariah Carey’s hit song, “All I Want for Christmas is You” a few times since Thanksgiving. But, did you know the cool back story behind this song? There are a few takeaways that we entrepreneurs can learn from Mariah Carey’s journey, so I am sharing some of them with you.
#1. Mariah cowrote the song in approximately 15 minutes.
Takeaway: As an entrepreneur, you should not let the need for perfection cause you to delay a product or service launch. Give it your all. Then, enlist some help from others if you need the extra brain power to successfully complete your project.
#2. Mariah wasn’t planning to write an original song or the album. She was simply going to cover other standards.
Takeaway: You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing simply because it was successful. Sure, inspiration from other creatives is fine. But your vision, your talent, and your creativity will always be the best route.
#3. A country song with the same name was released five years prior to Mariah’s song.
Takeaway: YOU are the secret sauce. Just because someone else launched your idea before you doesn’t mean you should give up on your idea.
#4. The song reached #1 on the “Billboard Hot 100 list” in 2019. That’s 25 years after it was recorded.
Takeaway: Some wins take longer than others. Don’t give up!
That’s it for today, friends. Make my wish come true (sorry, I couldn’t help myself), and have yourself a Merry Christmas!
Love and Soul Always, Kawania
Photo: Shutterstock