
Category: Business Growth

Pink Bananas. The Enlightened Creative.

3 Things We Can Do to Remain Positive While Social Distancing

In the past 10 days, I have had to deal with canceled events, postponed events, anxious clients, hyper-vigilant family members, family members who aren’t worried enough (in my opinion) and clients taking their time with their payment checks. (What’s up with that?) I have spoken to so many of you, so I know I am not alone here. So, how do we stay positive, calm and focused through all of this madness? Check out my three (3) quick recommendations (plus a bonus tip) below.

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Rebooking Clause for a Contract for Events. The Enlightened Creative.

What Is a Rebook Clause? Why Is It Important?

Right now, numerous event planning pros are walking their clients through the process of postponing their events.  And, they are able to do this with minimal drama because they made sure that they had a “Rebook” clause in their management contract and they make sure the venue had a “Rebook” clause in their contract. So, what is a “rebook clause?”

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6 Tips to Help You Combat that “Alone Feeling” as an Entrepreneur

Recently, I felt quite alone. — Not that “alone feeling” you get because you are in the house by yourself. — I’m talking about the “I feel like I am walking this entrepreneurship journey by myself and no one understands what I’m going through.” Do you know what I’m talking about? I think everyone does. So, here are some recommendations for combatting that feeling.

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Learn to Make Defeat Your Fuel. The Enlightened Creative

Learn to Make Defeat Your Fuel

Not too long ago, my son’s alma mater, DeMatha Catholic High School, celebrated the #1 NBA draft pick of one of its own, Markelle Fultz. On the night of the NBA draft, there were numerous stories profiling Markelle’s young basketball life, but the one recurring profile told the story of him getting cut from DeMatha’s basketball team when he was a sophomore. Of course, he eventually made the varsity team again and excelled.

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My Bargain Basement Story. The Enlightened Creative.

My Bargain Basement Story

Since I was very new to the wedding industry, I needed to figure out how to compete with the more established planning companies. So, I charged less than ½ of what my competition charged. If you combine that unreasonably low fee with the ridiculous amount of work I put into my 2008 wedding season, I can assure you I made NO PROFIT that year.

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Are You Planning to Register for a Professional Conference? Read This First. The Enlightened Creative.

What to Know Before You Register for a Professional Conference.

So, what’s a businessperson to do? There are numerous industry experts sharing feedback and wise counsel, so I am not going to cover that today. Instead, I am going to play a little “Monday Morning Quarterback” and provide you with some advice for minimizing challenges similar to this as you register for future professional conferences.

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7 Valuable Business Lessons I Learned from Fat Daddy. The Enlightened Creative.

7 Valuable Business Lessons I Learned from Fat Daddy

Here’s the thing with Fat Daddy, he wasn’t a teacher through advice — that wasn’t his style — I learned how to be an entrepreneur by watching Fat Daddy in action over the years. Lately, I have been thinking of those life and business lessons, and I thought I should share a few of them with you. So, here goes.

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Hey there trailblazer!

I’m Kawania (kuh won nee ah) and I own and lead two successful businesses in the creative industry. Welcome! I created this blog as a resource that you can reference as you launch, run, and scale your own successful (and sustainable) business. There’s lots of information in this blog, so bookmark it and hit me up if you have any questions. We all need a little guidance every now and then, right? Take care friend. Keep shining! Love and Soul Always, Kawania

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