
Month: July 2024

Managing the “Business Twisties”

Managing the “Business Twisties”

We have all heard about Simone Biles getting the “twisties” at the Olympic Games. When Simone got the “twisties,” she stepped away from gymnastics for a couple of years; took care of her mental health; and worked her way back into the gym when she felt ready. So, what can we entrepreneurs take away from Simone’s experience?

Understanding the Business Twisties
In business, we can experience our own version of the twisties. There are times when we feel lost, overwhelmed, and unable to navigate our way through challenges. This can manifest as burnout, decision fatigue, or a lack of motivation. Just like in gymnastics, these moments can be disorienting and paralyzing, affecting our performance and overall well-being.

How Entrepreneurs Should Set Themselves Up for a Good Business Day

How Entrepreneurs Should Set Themselves Up for a Good Business Day

As an entrepreneur, every day brings new challenges and opportunities. How you start your day can significantly impact your productivity, mindset, and overall success. Here are six tips to ensure you set yourself up for a good business day.

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